After three weeks off, I am back into studies and back into creating! The past few weeks have given me an opportunity to enjoy a few projects rather than create them (including some awesome music students such as Griffith's The Con Artists and University of Queensland's Symphony Orchestra). Most importantly, this time off gave me the opportunity to miss my audio work. Getting right back into it, below is a list of the projects I hope to complete over the next three months.
Sound Replacement Project
Once again I am working with Roseta and Brea, this time to take on a sound replacement project, wherein we will take a 2 minute long clip from Brian de Palma's Carrie (1974), strip it completely of audio, and then work together to create our own Foley, sound effects, ADR, and soundtrack in a way that is realistic and naturally fits with the original visuals.
QWO Recording Project
I have also put my hand up to volunteer to do some recording for the Queensland Wind Orchestra, at their Innovations concert on the 24th of June. I will be required to attend their rehearsals, and also their concert in order to get a clean recording of their performance. In the weeks that follow I will also be working in a team to mix the audio to a good enough standard that QWO can use it for promotional use. I am really excited about this project as it is centred around a genre of music that I love and it is an opportunity for me to exhibit professional behaviour and get a taste of what it is like to work for real clients.
Games Collaboration
during the next 4 weeks I will also be composing an atmospheric and 'chilled out' instrumental track. The goal is to create something that a games team could use as inspiration to create a basic interactive landscape.
Films Collaboration
In about 5 weeks, I am hoping to hear pitches from film students about some upcoming documentary projects that they will be undertaking. I am keen to hear what audio assets a film student would require - even if I am slightly intimidated by them 😵