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  • Writer's pictureYasmin Amir Hamzah

INSIDE the final project

Well, here we are... six weeks down the road and a blur of time later, our project is finally completed!

This last week has spent inside MIDI studios, finalising levels and panning and making sure that the sounds we had created sounded perfect and complimented our visuals well.

The thing that we thought was most important was getting the balance right between the strong bass synthesisers and the softer acoustic melody. I feel that we ended up achieving this quite well.

This week we also presented our project to our peers for one last time, to see if they could pick up any faults that we had missed (after weeks of listening to our compositions, at times it felt like we were going stir crazy from listening to the same thing for hours on end!). The main comments from this presentation was compliments on our 'rain scenes' - of which we were quite pleased about, since we had spent a majority of our studio time correcting and editing these scene - and a note discussing what sounds are present in a current scene which sees the character using a rope to jump over a bridge. Some thought that more foley was needed to make his actions sound more natural and blended with the environment, while others thought that the separation and silence was nice, allowing the listener to focus more on the musical arrangement. The team discussed this after the presentation, and made the creative decision to leave the scene silent of sound effects in order to make our composition the main element.

If you would like to watch our INSIDE trailer recreation, please click on the link below! Enjoy!

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